Christopher Pearson

G mail c64pearson
US Citizen billing via a US LLCLinkedin
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Son to a programmer and a stock broker, I've been programming since 1983 in many languages, assisting teaching C/Assembly in 1991, founding two peer-to-peer companies, one reaching a $40,000,000 market capitalitaion. having applied for patent of a UDP based peer to peer (P2P) distributed file sharing and streaming protocol in C++. In 2010 I discovered microtransactions exploit in Bitcoin CVE-2010-5140

I intend to use my time to resist censorship via the development of decentralized communication technology. 20 years ago we'd have laughed if anyone said we'd still be going to centralized websites by now. I want to help us all move past that. "Information wants to be free." we would say.

I am a skeptic, similar to many in Bitcoin and security culture.

I tend to focus more on reducing risk in the form of identifying security weaknesses, single points of failure in reliability, and scalability by identifying actual bottlenecks to prioritize efforts. Also by reducing maintenance costs/risks with a disdain for repetitive maintenance anywhere it can be automated.

I believe Rust is the right language for me at this time, possibly compiling to WASM, as Rust is the first popular and fully domain inspecific language since C++ or C which I enjoy.

I prefer the command line as graphical interfaces are a dead end to automation and I am lazy in a good way. I use vim.

I prefer succinct code .

The most powerful freedom is speech -- ( the pen is mightier than the sword.) The most powerful speech is money (a banker's pen is the mightiest pen.)

Blurb about when you should use UDP (like p2p apps)




This resume is built with GNU make and vim.